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Traditionally a liberal catholic Parish Church, the Transfiguration is outward looking and endeavours to meet the needs of the local community. The approach to ministry at the Transfiguration is collaborative and a Worship Team is now well established. The team, is made up of Mother Andrea our vicar, Licensed Reader James Beauchamp and assistant curate Crispen Nyatsuru

Morning Prayer is held Wed-Fri at 9.30am in church

Holy Communion at 10am each Sunday with an additional Messy Sunday at 11.30 am on the first Sunday of each month.

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Members of the congregation share in worship by leading intercessions, reading lessons and serving at the altar and a number are approved as chalice administrators.  Around fifteen members of the congregation in teams of three or four act as sidespersons at Sunday morning Services.

The Kempston branch of the Mothers’ Union includes members from both The Church of the Transfiguration and All Saints Church, Kempston. The leader is Liz Hutchings and new members are always welcome.


Members support the church fetes and Cafe Connect outreach on a Thursday. Meetings are open to all and are held in the Church  every third Wednesday of each month.


A Mothers’ Union Communion service is held in the afternoon of the first Wednesday of each month


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